Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Something new....

Wow, Instructional Technology 486... The name of the course sends chills through my spine. I have to admit, after reading through the syllabus, I was very afraid. Never before have I had a course like this. I have never worked intensely with computers and technology. Sure, I've typed a few papers in my day. Even created a few power points. But, I haven't had the opportunity to explore and appreciate this new phenomena called technology.

However, I must say that a part of me is very excited about this new journey. I am anxious to see how this course will prepare me for my career as an educator. I can't wait to learn how to incorporate this world with my instruction. I hope to learn how to use different Microsoft Programs other than Word and Power Point. Furthermore, I want to learn more about Photo Shop, Movie Maker, and all the other cool things technology offers. Overall, I just want to be more experience with the technologies that are available. I want to be "hip" to the tech world if you will.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Natasha.

    I see the potential for these wonderful new tools to become a swamp I could drown in. We'll have to go slow and careful, to document the processes that work for us, and to learn to make the most of Technical Support!

    Thanks for sharing your views.
