Monday, June 29, 2009

Last week...

Last week in IT 486, we learned about a new feature called Voicethread. Voicethread is a really neat website that allows you to upload photos to an album and create cool slide shows. In addition, you can record your own sounds and add little doodle drawings to create effect. Prior to using Voicethread, our class went on a scavenger hunt to get the images for our album. The group I was in decided to capture a glimpse of nature in our very own Circle Park. Our photographer, Ashley, took some amazing photos of nature at its finest. After we collected our images, we uploaded them to Voicethread.

Now I'm still a bit nervous when it comes to uploading and downloading. I still haven't found my comfort in these new features that Jennifer has been showing us. However, after seeing how easy it was to get our images online, the rest was a breeze. As I played around with the album, I thought about how I could use this new tool in the classroom. I thought about using Voicethread as a holiday or end of school year theme. Students would upload photos of themselves and leave a vocal message of the particular holiday theme, or they could leave a cool message to the rest of the class for the end of the year theme. Students would be able to save this album as a keepsake to remember all of their friends, or simply relive the holiday (who knows?).

As I thought more about this idea, I began to think about parental consent and everything that goes along with that. Of course I would get parents' permission to upload their photos, but it made me realize that times have definitely changed. There was once upon a time, where students could take pictures carefree and not have to worry about their image being exploited. But I guess that's what happens when we continue to move up the ladder in technology. Sad, sad thing :(

1 comment:

  1. Natasha,

    You are doing some good thinking and reflection here about the many opportunities and challenges presented by the new Web-based tools, such as VoiceThread. Their ease and utility open up so many doors, but do we like what awaits us behind all those new doors??

    Appropriate use policies and web publishing policies vary from school district to school district. One of the first professional duties you should carry out is to learn and know these policies.

    Many of the web-based tools have privacy options and password protections. VoiceThread, for example, makes it possible for young children to use avatars instead of actual photos of themselves. So, they can comment without having their image published on the Web.

    Check out Mrs. Trefz's 5th grade blog. Your ideas about a holiday or end-of-year VoiceThread reminded me of the VoiceThread that she created with her students following a field trip to the Space Center.
