Monday, July 13, 2009

My movie is iMovie!!!!

Last week, our class created our very own iMovie. iMovie is an application that allows you to upload images and music to create a movie. My movie was about my trip to New York City. I chose to focus on Times Square. The process of creating this movie was a bit difficult for me. Honestly, it was VERY difficult! There were so many times where I wanted to give up and throw the keyboard at the wall. However, once I calmed down and asked for help, I found the iMovie to be very cool and interesting.

Personally, I probably wouldn't use this in my classroom very often. If I did, I would definitely make it a class-wide project where students would bring their own images and together we could make our own movie. I honestly feel this application would be too difficult for elementary students. I want to spare them from the frustration and agitattion that will come along with using iMovie.

Feel free to check out my iMovie:

New York City Magic